看来我不适合做人生的投资,几乎做什么都注定失败,小时候,人生只有羽球,但有一天踢了球后,开始迷恋上了,当时还以为只是暂时性, 没想到,10年过了,人生的一半都和足球度过。。从那时起,打羽球的机会少只有少。。
现在呢,球体不成了,如果再踢多几场正赛,恐怕连走路都不行了,但至少,我已经证明给那些至以为是的马来人,华人也可以踢球!还有几个荣誉,不管中学还是大学,我都已经证明自己的实力,当初在美国的五人冠军, 之后被选进校队。。由这些回忆,应该是没遗憾了,所以现在我正式退出足球江湖从新以一个新人进羽球圈。。。
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 3:33 PM 0 comments
08 年, 从两年就觉得会是个蛮不错,满期待的一年,但第一个月差不多要过玩了, 还是停留在07的霉, 心里还没调整好,我到底怎么了, 忽然发觉我已不是我
想当年一来到这里人生地不熟, 每天忙东忙西,感觉很充实,态度也不同。。这样的经验,会觉得朋友感觉很多,知心的没几个,但从另一个角度想,分离,能让你看清世上的真真假假,谁才是朋友。。
如果有机会, 我会转到美国其它城市,但也要看缘分。。不过我直觉告诉我,我不会呆在这个冷地方太久!
我因太习惯美国了, 就连回马来西亚,刚开始真的以游客身份回去! 好多东西感觉即陌生,又熟悉,好像见会初恋情人。。哈哈 但。。回的时候,又很舍不得,但知道是要回到另一个世界了!好怀念。。
像我这种不断要尝试新生活的人,感情上。。。无语! 好听的话,给人说桃花运强, 不好听的就是花花公子。。但我从来都不是!只有真心付出过的人,流过泪的眼睛看得更清楚..毕竟曾经为了一个人,宁放弃好多友情,只为了能安她一心,也不想让她感觉我回去鬼混。。精打细算的我,会做这样的投资,因为觉得是值得的
但,这个投资还是注定失败,赔了夫人又折兵。。可能是报应?不知道。。。不过,碎了那么大一胶, 要再来应该没那么容易了。。。
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
终于有机会放这首歌了!! 这是我们的心血!! 从适耕庄朋友作词作曲,到我四川的朋友重新编唱! 这首歌是好难得的因缘才有机会面世!!
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 11:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Korea Club 办了一个小小的 sports night, 本以为有篮球可以打,谁知去了那儿,说要玩气球游戏, 体育室里还有那么人打球或踢球。。没办法,只有和他们无语的玩了这个游戏。。
不到一会儿,其他人开始觉得:"好像蛮幼稚的" 其他人看着我们这班20多岁的成年人玩那么cool的游戏。。
但惊讶的是,全部人说想踢球,连女孩也是!! 那好吧。。踢球更好。。
说真的。。看女孩踢球蛮可爱..哈哈哈!! 午餐时不应该吃那么辣的麻婆豆腐,害得我肚子辣得要命, 虽然进了三粒,而且我带领的队赢了比赛,但错过了也蛮多粒好球。。
晚上时,家里又有party..真是开始闷了。。每个星期都要party..好像没party 会死似的。。虽然是说室友的生日快到了,也不需要庆祝三天三夜吗! 没开玩笑, 昨晚在家庆祝, 今晚去一家酒店庆祝, 幸好功课多, 有理由不去,不过感觉有点不好意识, 有点不给脸。。哈哈
之后还要照顾这些嘉宾到凌晨5点, 拜托,又不是我朋友。。全部都是室友的朋友, 他们呢? 1个 醉了, 1 个装醉,和一个男人睡了,另一个陪男友了...
昨晚,室友又再醉,进了洗手间好久, 最后我们还要踢破门扶她起来,正是的!! 门坏了,整间家唯一的厕所。。幸好今晚上可以安安静静霸完整间家,全部人去酒店睡了, 一个人在两层楼的房子正好!! ^^ 好久没一个人的感觉了!!
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 8:45 PM 0 comments
fun week?? ermm.. perhaps?
with Japanese, Korean, Americans, blah blah..
well... few things wanna write it here.. last night went to a korean friends house and we all chilled for a while ( a while = 3 hrs ) met some cute girls that night.. but no mood to know more about them.. u know lo.. after few beers and my precious wine..its white wine! Bescato California 06! Its so good.. even girls who dun like it eventually love it!
and then..this week keep listening to trances! Wow.. i think Im addicted to it, thanks to wey yew..and now even already.. He influence me trance, I influenced him about futsal..muakaka!!
lenglui lehh..
Recently met back one of my family friend's daughter, DAYCEE Lee! Its been a while didnt meet her, since..12 years old?!! anyway.. last time we were used to be so childish and keep fighting to no-matter-what things.. when we went to North Msia,we were able to quarrel from KL until the destination..geng leh.. now..waliao!! She changed to a mature + lenglui girl! If not my mum said it, I wouldnt believe too..
and if anyone interested to be friends with her..feel free to call/email me! Gladly to help u guys..lol so glad can meet her back actually.. atleast school life is much interesting now.. cuz we still 'arguing' just like before..muahaha
Recently so xin xue lai cao... cooked so many Msian foods and tried so many diff kind of food.. Curry fish..ma po tofu.. some Utopian food.. ALL SPICY and NICE!!!
ma po tofu
Sri Lanka
Utopian food
and my fish curry! ^^
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
these days...
ermm... been so stress and lazy these few days.. NO MOTIVATION AT ALL!!!! i think i picked wrong classes this semester.. my molecular biology class, everyone is junior or senior, all of them have biochem or other advance bio background already.. but me.. NOTHING!!!! I feel like Im a 12 years old kid in form 5 class.. damn..
another class.. it isnt that bad..but still I feel like in form 2 class..WTH.. I dont have any idea about America History nor culture NOR any shit stuffs!!
So..tonight..i went to swimming at NDSU, my neighbour Uni..with my Msian friend. At first just got all those pork chops in the pool..sad la.. winter + pork chops = AM I deserve this?!! Thank god... finally WOMENS came.. but We were too hungry and went to buffet soon after that.. When I was stress..BUFFET is the best medicine!
I NEED TO PLAN about the Midwest-road trip for spring break.. I also cant decide whether wana exchange to LA or NY..and..dance for International night.. Im totally noob in dance..ask to plan for that! are u kidding me?!!! Dont care la..tell them put Jay songs for Chinese song la!! Anyone can tell me I should go to LA or NY?!
Its a really hard decision.. 'praying'
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
weird dreams?! or it is the future??
Had some weirdest dream ever.. I met someone that I havnt met for few years since form 2, and I met her again..she is my family friends's daughter.. we all used to travel together to all over the places in Malaysia..since we were borned.. mum told me she is in US also, and she met her before she got here.. most importantly, she told me she changed a lot compared to last time.. then how come I can know that girl in my dream is she?? so weird..
another dream..i think good news to my hengdai..ah wey yew!!! In my dream, he showed me his first music album!! yes.. he is a singer ( instead of mechanical engineer) lol.. so yew!! think about it, since you have a good voice~ lol
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Winter sales!!
Actually all of us, I mean..all the Malaysian wanna just get some Indian buffet, since we all (except me) didnt have Indian food for a long long time.. that is a great Indian retaurent, but of course the food not exactly the same as Msian's Indian food..after that, we need to take the bus back, have to stop at a mall's bus stop, and that time was MEGA winter sales!! Got a nice shoes that I like it so much.. u know.. when u see something..u will know :" this is it!!" feeling keke, kinda rare I got that feeling for the shoes, maybe too frustrated for finding the shoes in Msia.. the most important is..its so cheap!! Just 10 bucks.. 50% cheaper than at Msian..^^
I also got some lotions for those ladies in my family and friends...finaly worth to wait it.. 6 bottles for 20 bucks!
Hopefully my friends can help me bring back so everyone can get it~ (Just girls..keke)
2 days ago, got the chance to get another school's ID..so next time can get in more easily d..for the parties and stuff ^^
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
First week after got back from Malaysia
哈咯!终于舍得try华语在这儿 blog blog..
回来这里,感觉无聊死了! 没什么心情读书, 现在又没工作。。 烦死了! 虽然父母说不必作,但还是觉得自己赚的钱, 花起来也比较有成就感。。 刚看完港剧的 “律政新人王Ⅱ” 终结有一个, 最爱的人,或许不是和你携手一辈子的人;和你终身的人,或许就是你预想不到的人..
^^ 之后会大家聚在一起,吃喝玩乐! Monday 放假嘛。。
最近超爱李圣杰的“最近”,在msia 是又无意中听见,而且又不是original 的,是remix版, 不过听到那个词,好想哭。。之前听时没感觉,现在,觉得歌里的主角那么多像我。。
最近 李圣杰
你 最近 不说话
听说你 最近 很孤单
你想要的 我却不能够 给你我全部
我能给的 却又不是你 想要拥有的
我们不适合 也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭
你常解释 这样的一切都只是开始
我觉得是 所有的一切早就已结束
不想再约束 不要再痛苦
爱 我却不能给你我全部
我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的
我们不适合 也不想认输
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Culture Shock again!?! No way..Not in Study mood week!!
Gosh..although I backed from Msia almost a week, but I am not well prepare for every classes yet!! Sigh, life for this semester is extremly hard, especially 3 science classes. It is a big diffrence between the science class in MSUM and NDSU. Even NDSU is more popular than my school, but...honestly their science class is freaking easy compare to ours..
and..I still struggling about the general class Im taking.. at first I thought I signed up for wrong class, then since no much option, just simply take the government crisis class. sounds interesting but boring! I decided to drop it and retake my economic geography..hopfully that prof still let me in even its full and the dateline was over..
Dunno whether get used to Msia back or what.. culture shock still happening around me, not used to everything..feel weird about everything..sigh... most importantly, no more Jay song on the radio!! I still remember the best part back in Sekinchan, more than 10 Jay's songs played in radio! My dad even complained how come suddently so many Jay's song..LOL!
anyway..have to study now.. blog later~
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Normal Sunday..
Well..today nothing much happened.. Still busying setting up and cleaning my room.. anyway..still interesting stuffs still happened in my house..I have no idea why one of my ROOFmate and her friend desperated for bikinis..and they just wore there and run around the house @@ its cold outside..but..I think they are..ermm..no comments..
Just got my Xmas present from my another Roofmates~ lol
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Appreciation Moment !
Well.. I think I need to use a post to thank everyone that helped me during my 20 days at Malaysia..
MY DAD- Indeed, He really helped me the most..to get al the stuffs that I needed..Even before I went back to Msia, he tried to send me a DIGI sim card..in fact i just got it today.. I saved a lot of time from thinking what and where should I get all the stuffs that needed in US. Besides that, he is a real good tour guide for my friends who never been to Sekinchan, without him I dont thiknk we can get in to our Mango farm..the paddy factory and the most important thing, get cheaper seafoods!!
MY MuM- Same play role as my dad, helped me to get the stuffs that I want, and cooked some dishes..kekek..
Wey Yew- This dude! Really cant say anything more..he almost teman me for 20 days, expcept for couple days he went to Christmas Island. He brought me here and there, we did so much crazy and stupid things, listen to my nonsense.. and I can try back so many food also because of him. Even till now, he helped me edited this blog, that I had trouble for this few days.. once again THANK YOU PAPA! WE always love u~
Wan Xin- Another good ah Mui that cant be found again in this world, too bad her school restart a week before I left..if not we might do more crazy stuffs together! The best part that I cant forget is when yew and I went to her house, We saw a dog was got into a person's car in front of her house.. that was classic!! Oh ya, cant forget abt Kian Soon if mentioning abt my dear ah mui..lol
Eng Thong- SO Touching cuz he appeared at the airport, picked me up and also sent me back to US..T-T We also yamcha quite a few times, of course with Ah Sou.. and the best part, I think is the footsal!!
Well..there are still lots of friends I need to thank: Serena, Evon, Siok Huei, Jian Shen, Melody, Isabella,Kok Xiong, Yien Lee, Chee Wei, Andrew, Seksyen 4 gang, CHS gang, Sekinchan, Puchong, Yak Chee....the list going down, and those who I forgot to mention..
Thanks for those 20 days~ right now back to US is time to rest..and study.. Hope can meet everyone again in soon future~~!!
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Snowing Day..
Second day back to Moorhead, this little KAMPUNG..many people still dunno where is it.. its understandable..but luckily the next city which is 5 minutes away from here, FARGO, is kinda well known for some reasons..maybe it is the coldest 'big' cities in US?? haha
anyway, still feel little bit tired and lack of appetite.. maybe not used to this weather, after enjoying warm weather in Msia, and i started cough, and perhaps flu is coming soon @@
Well, Snowing again when on my way to class..I basically messed up my class.. need to talk to my prof asap..sigh...hate to do all these stuffs..
Right now im still posting and editing this blog, its 2.40am here.. too many stuffs in my mind.. I still in my Msia's friends house.. at first we are going to get drunk.. but everyone seemed to tired to drink.. so we left so many things here.. lol Oh ya, before that, we all had a TYPICAL american dinner: KFC, burgers,pizzas,pops and beers.. I dont think I WILL EVER get all these stuffs in Msia at once!
hopefully i can get my blog fixed soon, my class scedule will be better by next week..
I miss Msia!!!
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
First day of the class
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 12:32 PM 0 comments
2nd chapter of my trip in Malaysia
Went to Mid Valley again cuz last night didnt shop at all.. Met YanRu who is leaving to LA soon.. at night finally met another ah mui- Wan kee!! lol p/s: cant rmb much what I've done that day..
Day 7 ( 12/27)
relaxing at home in the morning..and it was the day yew came back from Christmas Island.. Went to Redbox with Yak Chee friend in the afternoon.. in the middle of K-ing.. I went to liquoir store with wey yew, didnt try Heineken for a long long time.. After came out from red box, we went to OuG pasar malam with Melody and Esa.. Met Jonathan and Mattew there, we didnt walk a lot cuz it was rain agian.. ><
Just few hours back from sekinchan, I need to prepare for Chea Ming's farewell party.. so Yew and I basically rush here and there.. Her house was so big.. gosh..really a rich girl! So lucky met some CHs friends over there too~
Met ching ching and pei lin..so we went to Pavilion and Sg.Wang..nothing much in Pavilion, all expensive stuffs and the mall was so empty.. so better just shopping in Sg.Wang.. I bought so many stuffs.. this time, I was pretended a Taiwanese tourist.. and there was a girl tot I was stupid.. suddently no discount for the jeans that I was looking for.. and keep asking me about Taiwan fesyen..err..simply bluff lo~ I sae Justin Lo at there, he was rehearsaling the songs for tonight count down..has a good voice thou ^^
At night, there is no way to miss the count down~ So went to the curve, so lucky can meet Seksyen 4 and CHs friends over there.. that pic was precious..I dun think I have the chance to call out friends from diff school and meet together..
Day 12 (1/1)
I missed YanRu flight cuz overslept.. and no memory for this day at all..maybe just relaxing in the house, and prepare some stuffs.. I went to acupunture my leg, that injured few months back because of soccer..sigh.. luckily the doc said its not that serious..but still need months to fully recovered! Hopefully can recover soon cuz i will have a game few days later!! Just can pray nothing will happen during the game..
Day 13( 1/2)
Pn. Soh gathering at shabu-shabu.. meet Some Puchong Utama friends there.. at night met with xin and yew.. At first we picniced at yew house..got cakes..pops..and beer~ then its too dangerous to let xin walk back her own..so we all teman her lo..when arrive at the gate..for some reasons I didnt noticed the gate and "BANG!!!!!" ouch..my head was so pained ! >,<>
at night, 6C yah chee friends gathered again!! at old town cafe.. Kinda happy to see some friends, or someone that didnt meet for such a long time! After that gathering, friends keep discussing where should go next, and that day was yi sheng's bday too! So finally we all hang out at Evon's place.. somewhere deep inside Puchong..lol
Day 16 (1/5)
Futsal moment!!! So glad can ask Bt.8 friends, Catholic Friends, and Yak Chee Friends.. and supricingly, everyone over have some connections among each others even they just met! really enjoy the time for playing it! Good thing was, I didnt feel any pain on my leg at all! Actually I had a minor injured at the same place when my futsal team in US got into final.. I really wanna played the last game..so still played even not in a good condition..but at last got the champs also ^^ this time.. I can play just like normal..BUT!! I didnt play futsal, for a year ( game for futsal and soccer are diff) and I even quited soccer few months ago.. so I missed atleast 3 great opportunities @@
Meet with my family friends at night, their daughter also in US now, Wisconsin if not mistaken.. We used to fight for nothing when was a kid.. After that, yew and i went to xin hs again.. We saw a stranger dog in an owner's car!!! We all laugh like crazy and i even took some pics~
Day 17(1/6)
Went to Mid Valley (again....) this time is my ex-company, MEP co-workers gathering.. Actually everyone also from CHS.. from havnt had chance to meet up to now.. oh ya, i also went to Hai luo at Pyramid with my Seksyen 4 gang..but that restaurent is too expensive so went to mamak for second round.. and the singer over there..SIGH..I asked them played 'cai hong' ( not a damn new song right..and the coard wasnt that hard.) but they said they never prepaid that song.. too bad
Day 18(1/7)
Thanks to Xin who drove me and serena to pyramid.. and finally got chance to eat laksa..err.. shouldnt try at that place..but no choice..and met Justin too~ We all went to Bowling and cut our hair too..although i just cut it abt a week ago..but no matter how, is still worthy to cut my hair here instead paying 20 bucks in US.. Third time went to pasar malam, but this time we all went to SS2 pasar malam..I always wana go there.. so really appreaciate have the chance, especially almost the end of my trip d.. I dun have much time already, so went to meet Jing Shen and Some CHs friends after an hour in pasar malam.. I also tried the fatty lok lok!! The food is still so tasty~ although the place is not that clean..but i really like the atmosphere..everyone standing there...eating and talking..
Day 19 ( 1/8) last day ><>
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Year..New BloG!
well, first of all, sorry about the late pics and updated..too busy hanging around at KL in that precious 20 days..
After traveling for 20 hours, waiting for plan for about 10 hours, I finally get home at 4.30am in the morning, you can imagine how tiring was it.. but still, I was so hardworking to unpack my luggage and stuffs, I finally she de go to sleep at 6am..
I woke up abt 4 hours later, although i had a class at 1pm, but still I have so much things to do, that i Missed when i back to Msia.. and I was right.. I still cant finish everything even till 9pm..
but I was too tired and get on bed d..
it is too much to write in those 20 days, so i will just summerized most of the stuffs in this 3 posts..
Day 1 (12/21) - Finally is the the plane back to Msia from GuangZhou. We ( Me and Serena) had waited for 8 hours at the lounge.. Doing what that time?? Almost nothing at first except chat with a Professor from a Uni at Canada, who travelled to Msia too..
when we got into VIP lounge, pretty good over there..got internat, dimsum,drinks..blah blah blah..but we were transfered to a smaller room after an hour. In the airplane, there was some newspaper!! Starts and Sin Jiu..feel so touching..lol
when we got down from the plane..FUIYOHH.. I can feel the heat!! We saw a perfume stall in the airport, so we decided to buy a perfume to our teacher, Pn.Soh..
Yew, Xin, Yin and Ah Thong picked me up there.. and got the chance to meet Serena's parents.. but kinda blur and confused that time, cuz my mum got talked to her about dunno what luggage.. After that my dad told me a person at Guangzhou they got our luggage and ask him to pick those up..My dad was so freak out and managed to get Serena's dad contact.. and he even called my cousin from Guangzhou..Really appreaciated their help, especially that cousin that I havnt met before, my dad said he begged the person in charge to let him get to me.. and he wasted 2 hours in the airport but cant do anything.. i felt so bad abt that @@
what's the first thing to do after got back?? Sure mamak lo.. so we went to mamak in front of my house..so coincidence met Serena's friends there too.. Cant waste too much time in mamak since I just got 20 days..We went to Putri Hill..( dunno whats the name) and chatted for a long long time..4 of Us who studied together for SPM..suddently feel like I hav been in US for centuries..
Day 2- (12/22 )
In order to meet as many relatives as I can, So i went to my far-far relatives wedding.. Before the wedding started, I purposely went infront of my relative.. None of them even recognize me!! They tot i was just like a pass by kid -.-" "WAH!! Ah pin fat d ohh..tall d oh..looks like US people oh..etc" @.@" So paiseh I cant called out some of my relatives name..haiya..big family ma.. It was a boring wedding for me!! but still got lion-dance to watch..and I was looking a SIM CARD!
After the wedding, I met ah thong, HorngSam and Ah lok at Old town cafe..
Day 3 (12/23)
6C first class gathering!! We met in the afternoon but most of us just left until 11pm..So happy met Minghan, Chee Wei, Yienlee, Jian Shen, Evon, Siok Huei, Yi Sheng and his aunty- teacher Feng!! after at the cafe all of them came to my house..and my dad gave them a lecture i think..lol
Its been 6 yrs didnt meet teacher Feng..She cant recognize most of us..oh ya, the nasi lemak at Puchong Jaya was so good!!!
Day 4 (12/24)
Time to get my Jay album that I booked few months ago! So went to meet My U-18 gang dai lou, Tan Chee Wei..First time DRIVE AFTER BACK FROM MALAYSIA..ermm..When i drove the motor, I already got into wrong side..so the car..used to it at first..but later unconsiously went to another way again..Evon and Chee Wei were freak out! But nothing happened! No even a bang to my door~ keke.. I went to Puchong Giant..fuiyoh, kononnya the biggest Giant in Malaysia -.-" after that went to IOI Wong Kok meet Kok Xiong and his lady, and jian huan..another dude who is going to LA soon.. It was a sunny afternoon and suddently it rained so heavily when we wana pick up Steph, my 'lou po' in seksyen 4.. not really lou po of course, I still rmb there was some rumous about us that time since we were kinda close.. That day i went mamak 3 times, and 2 cafes..and everytime I did ordered something to eat.. Still miss the Udon in Wongkok..yumyum
At night we all ( 6c friends) went to YienLee & Evon's church for Xmas.. 2nd years in the church for Xmas..After the church Xmas celebration, we all went to MAMAk (again for me..) and I ordered tongkat ali ( never tried before, if someone asked me abt tongkat Ali again in US, atleast can tell him how's the taste like..lol) It taste like..Teh Tarik!! ^.^" costed me 4 bucks for that ><><" After met my cousin..OMG..she was not feeling well..felt bad for her.. Went to Mid valley watch shop ( My cousin is the boss~) to pick up some watch.. My JB cousin..damn rich..picked 2 watches that worth almost 1500( one of each)..I just got a 500 watch..before discount of course...
Posted by Pin~IsAAc at 5:36 PM 0 comments
About Me
- Pin~IsAAc
- Sekinchan & Puchong..currently in New York, Selangor, Malaysia
- In New York Now!!
My Blog List
5月9日6 years ago
Notice 14614 years ago
祝福一个人,比占有一个人, 困难:
拒绝一个人,比接受一个人, 困难:
Chinese Oldies~
My fashion show! ( paiseh..)
- 抉择
- 08~思恋是一种病
- 爱让我们成长
- 无语...
- fun week?? ermm.. perhaps?
- these days...
- weird dreams?! or it is the future??
- Winter sales!!
- First week after got back from Malaysia
- Culture Shock again!?! No way..Not in Study mood w...
- Normal Sunday..
- Some videos about Malaysia..Abt me
- Check out my Slide Show!
- Malaysia~
- Appreciation Moment !
- Snowing Day..
- First day of the class
- 2nd chapter of my trip in Malaysia
- New Year..New BloG!