Live's theory~

@Life is Tough..BUT I AM TOUGHER!!
@Getting angry is punishing yourself with other's fault
@Love is not asking from others, but is giving of yourself

@把妹,一定要三心二意! 贴心,用心, 细心, 拿出诚意,再来就是天意!

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile


채현빈 就是本人!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

endless day

without a job, life is too bored and too much time...
but when get a job, especially this job.... now really dont have time to do anything besides fight for the sleeping time.. 无论如何,还是觉得蛮幸运的, 工资不错,现在又觉得可以安心得花钱了,不过还是过着穷人的生活。。大部分时间到Macdonald's..够便宜嘛!不然就是其他 dollar menu。。感觉蛮不错的!哈哈

开工的第二天, 受伤的伤痕已多了五条, 作这分工被纸割上已见怪不怪, 手指头的血不管留再多也不想洗了,反正可能五分钟后另一到伤口又会出现。。算算一下,总共不少过20条疤痕吧。。。


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